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Types of live streaming Apps that you should consider for your business

Live Streaming apps can also vary by area of focus. Some of them are used for personal work while some are for professional as well. So, without further ado let’s start this blog from the leading Live streaming app Development Company in India.

We are going to start with the basics now basically live streaming is a live video broadcast of certain events that are available to view in real-time via the Internet. All the broadcasts are hosted by streamers who use several applications divided into various types.


Wondering which you should choose? Well, as a premium video streaming app development company in India we have listed down different types that can help you to finalize which one would be feasible for your business.

Just dive into it.

Live broadcasting apps

This is one of the most popular types of streaming media and this is when you watch videos in real-time. It’s recorded and broadcasted simultaneously. You can build live streaming mobile applications how users play games, how they talk about different things, or simply they simply put up Q n A.

Audio Streaming

 The principle is the same that users can listen to it without downloading it. Everything is quite simple. The best examples for this are Spotify, gaana, and apple music.

Video on Demand

This one makes it quite easy for users to watch all the latest TV Series and movies without downloading it. However, a distinctive feature is that they can save, rewind and pause the content. But to access it they need to get a premium membership. The best examples for it are amazon prime video, Netflix, Hulu TV, etc.

TV Streaming App

The final streaming type that allows users to watch TV Online, but when they switch to on-demand video streaming services they lose their favorite tv shows, sports channel, and others. This is the reason why companies create live streaming apps with TV broadcasting Hulu, YouTube and Amazon Prime video  but they also have plans for streaming as well.

Final words

 Let’s stay honest when you create a live streaming app and you want to generate income out of it then you need to work on marketing and digital strategies.

And not just for development team b2c info solutions can help you there as well.

Connect with them at info@b2cinfosolutions.com.